Neurologic-Psychiatric Syndromes in Focus Part I

Product ID: 12165

Publication Details

After a period in which neurology and psychiatry have become more and more defined, neurologists’ interest in psychiatric topics, and vice versa, has increased. This book provides readers with an overview of the most representative neuropsychiatric syndromes such as Ganser and Capgras syndromes. It fills an existing gap in current literature and reintroduces a clinical approach. Additionally, there is a historical perspective throughout time with a focus on the most relevant clinical syndromes, offering distinct value to readers. With this approach, the book serves as a useful and stimulating guide on the diagnosis and management of neurologic psychiatric syndromes. It is for neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, and all others interested in neuropsychiatric topics because these syndromes also called ‘uncommon’ may in fact be more frequent than the literature suggests.

Editor(s): Bogousslavsky, J. (Montreux)
Neurologic-Psychiatric Syndromes in Focus – Part I
From Neurology to Psychiatry
VI + 128 p., 16 fig., 5 in color, 6 tab., hard cover, 2018
Status: available

Table of Content

  1. Preliminaries
  2. Minor Hemisphere Major Syndromes
  3. Phantom Sensations, Supernumerary Phantom Limbs and Apotemnophilia: Three Body Representation Disorders
  4. Misoplegia
  5. Pali and Echo Phenomena: Symptoms of Persistence and Perseveration
  6. Pathological Yawning, Laughing and Crying
  7. Catastrophe Reaction and Emotionalism
  8. Addictive (Non-Drug) and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms after Focal Brain Lesions
  9. Hypersexuality in Neurological Disorders: From Disinhibition to Impulsivity
  10. The KlĂĽver-Bucy Syndrome
  11. Diogenes Syndrome
  12. Brueghel Syndrome or Meige Syndrome? Two Sides of a Same Disease
  13. REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
  14. Charles Bonnet Syndrome and Other Hallucinatory Phenomena

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